This is a website about the true riches of life!
If there were a God could He turn water into wine,
could He make a blind man see, heal the sick,
raise the dead, or give hope to the hopeless.
Could God create the earth and all living things.
Could God form a man from the dust of the ground
and breathe into him the breath of life. Could God
part the Red Sea so people could cross on dry ground.
Could God bring forth water from a rock in the desert.
If there were a God could He create something out of nothing.
Could He create mankind and give them intellectual powers to
come up with ideas and formulas to achieve modern marvels.
Could God create something as marvelous as mankind.
Or did all this come about by a chance accident eons ago.
Did all we know and see today come about by a "big bang".
And then evolve over millions of years to form the earth and
then millions of years more evolve from a microbe to a man.
This whole idea is predicated on one pre-supposition:
that there is no God so there must be another explanation.
If there is a God we should be able to prove it they say.
So they set out to prove that there is no God by coming
up with a theory that can not be proven - ironic isn't it.
Mankind is only about six thousand years old - - -
Adam was created as a grown man around 4000 BC
the first written record we have is from about 2500 BC
so how can they know what happened before Adam.
Just think about the last 400 years since 1600 AD
imagine all that has happened all over the world.
Most of what we have today didn't exist before 1600
if all this happened in 400 years imagine all that could
have happened in the 5600 years leading up to 1600 AD.
We don't need millions of years of human history
to encompass all the truly scientific finds about man
everything could easliy have happened in 6000 years
including the ice age and the catastrophic flood.