This is a website about the true riches of life!
God is the divine spirit: omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
He is all knowing - all wisdom, all powerful, and all seeing.
He is before all things, and by Him all things exist.
God knows the thoughts and intents of your heart,
and everything about you - even all the hairs of your head.
He knows the birds, the grass, the gnats, and the bacteria.
God holds the stars in place and everything in the universe.
He makes all the laws of science and math work as they do.
He orders the times and the seasons and night and day.
God is the creator of life and He makes the whole thing work.
He makes the heart beat and the brain function, and
He makes the blood flow and the the body grow.
God created the planet earth and made the lands and waters.
He created the vegetation and the animals to inhabit the earth.
God created man and then breathed into him the spirit of life.
God created man in His image with intellect, emotion, and will
He gave mankind the ability to think, and feel, and to decide.
God gave mankind the freewill to choose.
Science and physics have discovered the atoms, quarks, strings -
and now they have found that there is a basic something that
is the foundation for everything else and they call this
"the fabric of the universe" - that holds everything together.
When you break everything down to the most basic element -
when you strip away everything and have just one thing left -
the thing that remains when all else is gone is the spirit of God.
They cannot see God because they do not want to see Him.
God is beyond the realm of human understanding.
How can the thing made understand the thing that made it.
How can one in a box comprehend what's outside the box.
If we have not seen something - that doesn't mean it don't exist.
If you tell me of a place that i have never heard of, or been to,
that does not mean that the place does not exist.
If you tell me of a person that i do not know -
it does not mean that the person is not real.
If you hear about the same place or person from several sources
you begin to realize that there must be such a place or person.
Especially if the sources are not connected to each other -
there must be some validity about the person or place.
So it is with God - He reveals Himself to those who seek Him.
If you do not want to know - then you can never know Him.
If you do not want to believe then it is impossible to believe.
If you want to believe - then God will help your unbelief.